Sunday, September 23, 2012

Remedy This! The Yogurt Mask

Remedy This!!! 

In the struggling economy, especially as a woman who doesn't have a 9 to 5, I am always trying to find ways to save money and also look great. I spend a lot of time in front of my laptop and tv discovering new, natural or frugal ways to take care of my beauty and fashion needs. With most people on the same page, many tv programs and articles these days focus on just that. I would like to try these things out for myself and share with you my results.

Yogurt & Lemon Mask

 I was watching a home remedies show on Dr. Oz a while ago and learned of a mask to fade scars and shrink pores. I have developed an acne situation recently and that means sometimes scars follow. I also have very large pores that I am not a fan of. I could not remember the last time I had a professional facial so I decided to give the yogurt mask a try last month. I had most of the ingredients in my kitchen and nothing to lose.

The original Dr. Oz mask was a mixture of natural yogurt, sunflower oil and lemon juice. I did not have sunflower oil and I wasn't sure if my plain greek yogurt was considered " natural". So I went online to locate some similar mask recipes. I located one on Live Strong. "Live Strong" also suggested ingredients like honey, peaches and nectarines. I just took the items I wanted based on what I needed most for my skin problems. Dr. Oz and the online source talks about how the yogurt tightens skin and shrinks pores. "Live Strong" explains that yogurt contains lactic acid, which helps to remove dead skin and reduces signs of aging. It also contains zinc which helps with blemishes and acne. Both sources also explain that the lemon juice reduces blemishes and scars. According to " Live Strong" lemons contain alpha hydroxy acids and vitamin C, both known for healing properties. The high acidity in lemons help to tone skin and improve it's elasticity. Lemons are said to have natural bleaching agents to brighten and even out the skin. "Home Acne Remedies" explains that the honey has antibacterial properties that help with the reduction of acne. It has anti-inflammatory that over time reduces redness and fades dark spots.
 For my mask, I started with my two table spoons of greek yogurt and added a few drops of lemon juice.
 Next, I added a teaspoon of honey and mixed it all together. I applied it to my skin. I kept the mask on my skin for 20 minutes.
After I washed the mask off, my skin felt refreshed and firm. I wasn't brave enough to post a picture of my face after I washed it off, I am sorry. Maybe next time!

I only tried this particular mask once. However, I have used some of the same ingredients on my face in addition to my normal skin care products. I have used the honey alone on my face as a mask, which seems to give it a glow. I like using the lemon juice as sort of a toner. I mostly focus on my scars when I use the lemon juice. I wash it off afterward because it is still a form of acid. I am excited about the results. My scars are fading and my pores don't bother me as much. The best part is, I didn't spend any extra money by using ingredients I already had in my home. There are lots of natural and DIY skin care ideas on trust worthy sites. Find something that works for you!

Until next time! Be blessed! Be free! Be fashionable!

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