Monday, October 22, 2012

Remedy This! How to Stretch a Hat

Remedy This!!! 

In the struggling economy, especially as a woman who doesn't have a 9 to 5, I am always trying to find ways to save money and also look great. I spend a lot of time in front of my laptop and tv discovering new, natural or frugal ways to take care of my beauty and fashion needs. With most people on the same page, many tv programs and articles these days focus on just that. I would like to try these things out for myself and share with you my results.

 How to Stretch a Hat
 I found a fedora last month while I was antique shopping in Lebanon. I loved the hat at first sight and even though it was snug enough that I knew it would give me a headache if I wore it, I bought it anyway. That same weekend, I did a little research and found out that I could stretch the hat using some very simple tools and methods at home. I used information from 

What You Need:
1. a tea kettle or spray bottle
2. a bowl or container the circumference of your head 
3. measuring tape 

Step 1. Measure the Circumference of Your Head
I used a measuring tape to measure my head where I wanted the hat to sit comfortably.

Step 2. Find an Object that is the Same Circumference
I found a bowl that was very close to the measurement I took of my head. The source I used also says you can use a pot, but a bowl is a better option because it has more of a natural shape for the head.

I chose a popcorn bowl. My head is big and my hair is thick, so I need a lot of space.

Step 3. Dampening the Hat Band
There are several ways to approach this. You can use steam from a tea kettle. You can also use a spray bottle with warm water.  If you are using the kettle, hold the inside band of the hat over the steam. If you are using a spray bottle, lightly spray the inside band with warm water.

I don't have a tea kettle so I used a spray bottle with warm water. 

Step 4. Resizing the Hat

I took the hat and pulled it down over the popcorn bowl using the base of the hat. The source I used emphasized the importance of not tugging on the brim to keep from warping the hat. I stretched the hat a little at a time, re-dampening the hat every hour and trying it on in between each time. I did this until it fit perfectly.
After I reached the fit I needed I put the hat back on the popcorn bowl and left it there until the next day. I removed it once it was dry and stiff again.
Before & After

In the first picture you see that the hat sat on top of the wig head. The second picture shows how much I was able to stretch the fedora. It shows the hat covering the wig head's eyes. It fits great now! I can't wait to wear it!

The source explains that this same method can be used to restore crushed hats. Just dampen, reshape, fit onto a stretching object and let it dry.

Look for my fedora in a closet blog soon! 

Until next time! Be blessed! Be free! Be fashionable!

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