Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What's Up With ChristinaKristin?

Last week, Kristin and I styled a really exciting shoot for a group of little girls ages 2-8. We were a little nervous because it was such a large group of 11 adorable girls, we just kept wondering if we could pull it off. And yes we did. The girls were of course very high energy. We found that styling little ones was not much different than styling adult models. You had your diva, the model who wants to style herself, the shy model who has to get herself dressed in a private area, the emotional model, and the completely compliant model. Same problems different size! LOL!!!

This shoot was so much fun, it really took our resourcefulness as stylists to another level. We styled 2 groups of girls with 2 different looks. The first group of girls were styled in lace,white,pearls,cotton, very clean and organic. The second group of girls were very ethnic, styled with traditional cultural pieces including, tunics, head wraps, and a traditional Korean hanbok.

Take a look at what happened behind the scenes!

L-Christina, R-Kristin
Kristin and I, we look a little crazy because a 2-year snapped these pics, she was a model/photographer.

We try to stay organized during shoots, it makes things so much easier. Here is a peek at what our "closet" looked like at the studio!

Ashley (Photographer of Photocentric Photography)  knew just how to keep the girls preoccupied with snacks and cartoons! The lil models did a great job sitting still while getting camera ready!

We had so much fun on this shoot. Final pics coming soon, they will be posted on our fb page so stay tuned!

Also, we will be launching our Spring jewelry collection "Heavy Metal" next week on May 1st , if you've had any interest in our past collections you will love this one. Keep an eye out for the posts!

Until Next Time, Ciao!


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