Monday, August 27, 2012

Style Adventures Vol. 6 (Lebanon, Ohio)


(Lebanon, Ohio 8/26/12)

This is a blog about how to add to your wardrobe using antique shops, thrift stores, yard sales and other venues. We travel Ohio and beyond discovering unique and stylish items we want to share and the places we found them.

Sunday I spent the day in Historic Downtown Lebanon. Lebanon, Ohio is known for great antique shopping. This little town is a place where you can spend an entire day and have plenty to do. If you have a free Saturday, drive over to Lebanon, just outside of Cincinnati. Have brunch at The Golden Lamb. Take an hour ride on the LM&M train where you will get a great view of nature while you learn about railroad history and operations. Afterward take your time walking through the vintage shops and specialty stores. Even someone who isn't into that kind of thing will find something to amuse themself.
I didn't get to ride the train or have brunch but I definitely went through a fair amount of stores. I featured two this SA. Lets start with my favorite, Miller's Antique Market.
Miller's Antique Market
201 South Broadway
Lebanon, Ohio 

I immediately saw items of interest when I walked into this place.  As usual, I came in with a budget, so I wanted to make sure I got only what I felt I could not live without. I was also doing some birthday shopping for Christina. 
Miller's is an antique shop full of many vendors. They are sectioned off and they all carry something a little different. Some vendors have a little of everything and some are a little more focused. One of the first things I stopped to admire was this velvet clutch. While I am not a fan of wearing velvet as a garment, accessories are not bad. The clutch was attractive but had some minor wear and I didn't love it or need it, so I moved on. 
I walked through most of the store with one definite jewelry set in hand when I came to a jewelry vendor in the last room that I fell in love with. Though I could not afford to purchase anything out of the case, it did not hurt me to look and admire. 
One of my favorite pieces in the case was this bright cameo cuff bracelet. I loved the green, yellow and amber combination.
I also ran across a gorgeous, colorful, straw, bohemian style bag. Sadly, I left it there.
Whatever you need, they have it at Miller's. They carry everything from antique furniture and tools, vintage  jewelry, clothing, buttons, art and collectibles. You name it, it's probably there.
I left Miller's Antique Market with this vintage earring and necklace set. It was $5 plus tax.
Broadway Antique Mall
15-17 South Broadway 
Lebanon, Ohio 

Just a short block away from Miller's is Broadway Antique Mall. It was almost as big as Miller's and had lots of neat things. They had the normal stuff like antique jewelry, crystal and collectibles.
I don't know much about crystal or china but I thought these rose colored pieces were pretty.
They also had some not so normal items like this wasps nest. Obviously wasp free! This would make a great conversation piece. 
I was on the hunt for something shiny or metallic though. I looked through many cases like this $5 case with no luck. I was finding some okay pieces but nothing I counldn't live without.
Then I ran across a ceramic bowl full of jewelry in plastic baggies. I knew there was something in there and I needed to gather up the patience to look through it. I am glad I did.
I left Broadway Antique Mall with this jewelry set for $14. The earrings are clip-ons but I may try to convert them. The total for both shops with two pairs of earrings, two necklaces and a bracelet =$19 plus tax

Look for some of these items in my future Kris's Closet blogs! Also visit our shop by clicking on the shop page at the top of our blogspot for 25% off our accessory collection. Use code SHOPCHRIS10

Be blessed! Be free! Be fashionable!

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