Thursday, August 16, 2012

Chris's/Kris's Closet (Kristin) August 13, 2012

Kris's Closet

Inspired by great bloggers like Folake of Style Pantry and Tamia of The Style Sample,a month ago we decided to open up our closets to the world as well. We are ChristinaKristin of Columbus,Ohio. We are two women close in age, with two different takes on style and completely different personalities. The best way to describe us if personalities were colors would be red and hot pink. I am the red personality because I am usually wild, passionate and bold with fashion and in life. My name is Kristin. Welcome to my closet!

I had an extended weekend because I helped my younger sister celebrate her birthday just about all weekend. On Monday my sister, my nephew, boyfriend and I went to Cedar Point. I am not a roller coaster fan at all but I had to be a trouper. I didn't want to be a party pooper so I got on everything they wanted to no matter how painful it was for me. I ended up on more rides than anyone else. After the first roller coaster, the Raptor, I didn't feel like talking for a half hour and did not. Then we rode the Millennium Force which was worst, all I could do was laugh. It was fun spending time with my family but I do not enjoy roller coasters. I took these pictures through out the day at Cedar Point. This is what I wore.
When I got dressed Monday, I knew I was going to look like a child. I love Hello Kitty. I got the shirt from Kohls a week ago and my pink plaid Bermuda shorts from Kohls the night before. I found more Hello Kitty shirts with sunglasses @ and @
I found my exact shorts online @ 
You can get Bermuda shorts on clearance everywhere right now since we are in the retail season change.
My sunglasses are Hello Kitty cat-eyes from TJ Maxx. They are adult sunglasses even though they make me look like a child. They looked cute with my outfit but also, if I lost or broke them on a ride I wouldn't have been upset like I would if I lost a more expensive pair.  I keep cute cheap sunglasses for the appropriate occasions. Riding on roller coasters is most certainly an appropriate occasion.  The closest ones I found were these @ These are pink with red hearts like mine but without the bow.
My lego ring I have worn a couple times on closet blogs. If you missed this last time, the best place to find lego rings is purple headphones ring I got on ebay. They sell these at Shoetique on 3760 East Broad Street  Columbus, OH 43213 in a yellow/ pink combo. I found them online @

My multi-pink chuck taylors have been in my closet for years. They are kids since my feet are super small. Chucks are my tennis shoe of choice. They can be worn with more kinds of looks than the average tennis shoe. You can find pink chucks @

This concludes another Kris's Closet. Thank you so much for stopping by!

Be blessed! Be free! Be fashionable!

My sister and I riding on the Skyhawk at Cedar Point

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