Friday, August 24, 2012

Remedy This! Cleaning Copper with Ketchup

Remedy This!!! 

In the struggling economy, especially as a woman who doesn't have a 9 to 5, I am always trying to find ways to save money and also look great. I spend a lot of time in front of my laptop and tv discovering new, natural or frugal ways to take care of my beauty and fashion needs. With most people on the same page, many tv programs and articles these days focus on just that. I would like to try these things out for myself and share with you my results.

Cleaning Copper with Ketchup

All summer I have been wearing my copper cuff collection and never stopping to clean it. Part of it was I actually had to go buy copper cleaner and that would require effort. The other thing was copper doesn't look so bad even if it's tarnished. Needless to say, I was in no rush. I was watching tv, not sure what show with all of the Dr.Oz , The Talk, The Doctors, etcetera. Everyone is offering health and beauty tips these days. I discovered that you could use ketchup to clean copper on one of the shows and stored the info in my memopad on my phone. Occasionally I scroll through to see what I wanted to remember to look at or do. I ran across this tip and decided to give it a go less than a week ago.
The cuffs covered in ketchup
 I covered the cuffs in ketchup and let it sit for about ten minutes then I rinsed it off with water. I wasn't satisfied so I repeated the process and let it sit another ten minutes and rinsed it off again. 
 I am happy with the results for the most part. I am thinking I left the ketchup on just a little to long. Not only did the ketchup remove the tarnish, it also removed some of the shine. The cuff bracelets were clean but a little dull. You should only leave it on about 5 to 10 minutes according to things I read after the fact . The ketchup works because of the vinegar in it. Vinegar is acid and the acid is what takes off the tarnish. I also later read that a lemon and salt combo would work or just vinegar alone. Maybe I will test one of the other options when my cuffs are in bad shape again. I am just happy I did not waste money on copper cleaner. I will use my copper cleaner money on a new fall accessory.

Until next time!
Be blessed! Be free! Be fashionable!

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