Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Style Crush

Every woman has a crush on another woman, whether it's because of her amazing hair, her confidence, or in this case her sense of style. We will be highlighting women whose style we have a crush on, either a celeb or an average Jane. Enjoy!!

Elle Varner 

Photo taken

Recently, I was thinking about a question that I get asked pretty often, "What celebrity style do you most admire”? For the longest I have not had an answer to this question. It used to be Rihanna, because I like her edginess, but I can't say that I still admire her style, only because my own personal style has been evolving.

Photo taken

A few weeks ago I was sitting in a hole in the wall bar listening to a juke box, yes a juke box, lol, when "Refill" by Elle Varner blared out loudly. I really like this song, but realized I had no idea what this girl looked like, so I grabbed my Android and googled her. I saw this beautiful girl with lots of big curly hair (like mine), wearing bright colors, I was immediately captivated.

 I love her color palette, those are my favorite colors (pink,blue,orange,yellow), her use of print, and her nerdy look with the glasses. Oh and I can't forget the natural hair!

What celebrity style do you most admire?

Until next time, Ciao!


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