Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday's Inspiration

Twice a week Kristin and I both create collections on a site called etsy. On etsy these collections are called treasuries. The reason why I enjoy doing them so much is because I feel like a fashion editor creating a cohesive display of items for a magazine. I am usually inspired by the collections I create either in my own personal life, or through my designs. So I decided, why not blog a little more in depth about the inspiration behind the treasuries I create.

My goal is to not only inspire you the reader, but also take my inspiration to the next level. I hope you enjoy this series as I much as I enjoy creating it!


This week I am inspired by one of my top 5 spring trends that I posted last week. Pastels are on trend this season, it excites me because I love these pale colors something about them screams femininity, soft, and dreamy.  You can incorporate pastel colors into your spring look in many ways, through make up, nail polish, hair color, or even in clothing choices.

Photos courtesy of: Top-Bottom L-R:,,,

I've also fallen in love with pink lipstick, both pastel pink and bright Barbie doll pink, lately that's all I have been wearing. Now this is coming from a girl who would once only wear neutral lipgloss, or just plain ol' chapstick, I've evolved....Kristin has encouraged me to step out of my box and try new colors. Watching TV, there are so many African-American celebs wearing pink lipstick and I love it.

Photos courtesy of: L-R,

And don't forget the etsy treasury, you will see all things pastel here. It is actually a very beautiful selection of pastel items. While you're there check out our "Cotton Candy" Collection, if you are a fan of pastel you will find some pastel knit pieces here!

Purchase these earrings at:

Are you a fan of pastels?

Until Next Time, Ciao!


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